Two Lives, One Lifestyle

Weekend in PA by Kelli
January 22, 2010, 5:16 pm
Filed under: Home, Kelli

Hey bloggies!

I am off to PA for the weekend!  I won’t be able to post pictures, but when I get back Sunday night you can expect an abundance of pictures of my ADORABLE nephew!  And some good food too!!

Have a great weekend!!

An Eggcelent Obsession by Katie
January 22, 2010, 11:16 am
Filed under: Breakfast, Eggs, Katie, Snacks

I’m in the midst of an egg obsession… or eggsession one might say.  Egg sandwich style this time:

Mmm.  One egg + egg whites + pepper + Ezekiel + some cheese of course. No vegetables, shocking!

This was what my egg and whites looked like at first, so perfect.  Then I tried to flip it.

Egg splat.  Oh well, tasted the same.

I covered some frozen peaches in kefir to bring for a snack later this AM but had nothing [nothing easy at least] to pack for lunch.  I’m wingin’ it, so you’ll just have to wait and see.

Looks like peaches n cream.  The best job I ever had was working at an ice cream shop in high school called Peaches ‘n Cream.  I loved all the girls I worked with and we would have so much fun together while working.  Plus, you’re constantly making someone’s day when you are passing out ice cream.  What was your favorite job, is it your current job?