Two Lives, One Lifestyle

Love of the Land by Katie
October 20, 2010, 10:34 pm
Filed under: Family, Katie

A mere 10 years ago (shoot, it’s been 10 years??!!) I used to dread being forced to spend a weekend at The Cabin.  I was in high school and come on I could not miss a whole weekend of my ‘social life’ and AIM.  To be honest I barely had a social life; I was definitely not going to any parties.  I just wanted to watch soccer games and play my clarinet in marching band and have sleepovers.  Maybe an innocent make-out sesh after 6 months of dating the same guy.  Oh yeah, and study my butt off because that’s what the weekends were really for.

Now? It’s really hard to fathom why I had such annoyance with my mom for dragging me to a gorgeous place separated from electricity and society to enjoy relaxation, family, friends, food, and nature.

But I guess at age 14, there isn’t much I truly wanted to get away from.  Oh financial stress? What’s that?  I can’t afford to buy a new pair of jeans,  DANG IT!!  Finding a job?? I totally had to take two days off from scooping ice cream to be here, ugh.   Relationships?  He’s going to wonder what I’m doing without an AIM away message! Hang out with my family? Okay, I actually never hated that part.

Despite relying on coolers for the majority of our refrigeration and a “If it’s yellow let it mellow, if it’s brown flush it down” toilet mentality, it’s such a great getaway.  A vacation 2 hours away!  And when you’re on vacation, it’s always 5 o’clock somewhere.  That’s definitely something I didn’t appreciate at 14.

It’s pretty much a guarantee for good beer, good food, and lots of laughs.

Just sit back and enjoy the humble surroundings (while we eat like we’re about to go on Survivor), and come back smelling like a camp fire with greasy hair.

What did you consider a pain in your ass as a child but now completely look forward to?

5 Comments so far
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Can I join you at that beautiful little cabin? Seriously, look spretty good.

and to be honest–that innocent lil makeout session you talked about sounds like some fun, haha 🙂

Comment by lisaou11

So beautiful! I often wish for a little cabin escape in the mountains. And, I also played clarinet in the marching band in high school!

Comment by Emily


you are really sonething

my heart is all there when i am reading your posts.

Your pictures are wonderful/
you inspire

Comment by Marianne

I used to think it was a pain in the ass to have to go to both my Mom and my Dad’s family on Thanksgiving and Christmas. Seriously, who wants to spend the holidays on the freeway? Now I realize I want to see as many people as possible on the holidays. The older we get, the more we appreciate.

I love the Fall colors and changing leaves. It’s 85 here in LA. I know I know, but seriously, I don’t like it! It’s Fall – I want to wear big sweaters and boots dammit!

Comment by Maura

So, how do I finagle my way in to an invite to that cabin? That place looks amazing.

I think that I was the total opposite when I was 14. I hated having my cell phone with me at all times and always having to be “connected” whereas now I start to get the shakes a little every evening that I go home because I broke my laptop.

Comment by Kendra

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